Tips for Running a Successful Dental Practice

6 Tips for Running a Successful Dental Practice

Once you own a dental practice, it is not easy to maintain it. Although you must be concerned about the well-being and satisfaction of your patients, you should be aware of other vital elements of …

How to Sell a Dental Practice

How to Sell a Dental Practice?

You must have spent years on building a successful dental practice, establishing a loyal customer base, an experienced and talented pool of dental staff and building a good local reputation. Now, when it is the …

How to Buy a Dental Practice

How to Buy a Dental Practice?

Are you thinking of buying a dental practice but don’t know where to start from? Starting or acquiring a dental practice of your own is one of the most important decisions you have to make …

What is my Dental Practice Worth

What is my Dental Practice Worth?

What is my practice worth? Well, it depends who you ask. Value is largely a concept of perception. According to IRS, fair market value is defined as “the price at which a [practice] would change …

Common Reasons Why Associateships Fail|

Common Reasons Why Associateships Fail

A written associate agreement does not exist. Philosophies of practice are incompatible. Dentists are unclear as to expectations of each other. Practice is not able to support an additional dentist. Dental Associate is unwilling to …

Transitions and Taxes

Transitions and Taxes

Taxes. Ugh. The word alone is enough to leave a taste worse than alginate in your mouth. And most would agree that paying taxes is worse than a molar root canal, either giving or receiving. …