

HHA has specialized in the field of accounting for professionals since 1964 and only with dentistry since 1985. This provides us with an excellent database for comparison and consulting guidelines. Computer communications minimize staff expense with regard to practice recordkeeping. Monthly consulting services are also provided our monthly accounting clients with periodic on-site visits at no extra fee.

Our Monthly Service Includes:

Other Services Provided but not Included in our Monthly Fee:

These Services are billed for separately.

Get in touch with us

If you have general questions or comments, please contact us.

HHA has specialized in the field of accounting for professionals since 1964 and only with dentistry since 1985. This provides us with an excellent database for comparison and consulting guidelines. Computer communications minimize staff expense with regard to practice recordkeeping. Monthly consulting services are also provided our monthly accounting clients with periodic on-site visits at no extra fee.
Our Monthly Service Includes:
  • Maintaining records that allows your business to substantiate all legitimate tax deductions.
  • Providing monthly Financial Statements
  • Performing periodic fee surveys.
  • Monthly review of business and financial progress.
  • Completing State and Federal quarterly payroll tax returns.
  • Advising the client of timely tax deposits.
  • Constant review with the client of the proper maintenance of records and substantiation of business deductions.
  • Explaining Accounts Receivable Control.
  • Reviewing and comparison of expenses of your Practice.
  • Keeping you informed as to any changes that may affect your practice or retirement plans.
  • When necessary, establish better utilization of the employees’ time.
  • Analyzing systems and recommending improvements.
  • Helping with patient flow.
  • Assisting in assigning duties and job descriptions for all personnel.
  • Assisting in establishing office policies.
  • Assisting and advising in feasibility of purchasing or renting office equipment.
  • Meeting with principal(s) of practice concerning management of the business.
  • Assisting in salary reviews.
Other Services Provided but not Included in our Monthly Fee:
  • Personal Tax Returns
  • Corporate Income tax Returns
  • Annual Reports, Census Reports and any other reports required other than
  • Federal and State Quarterly Reports.
  • All services provided Retirement Trust.
  • Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, and General Liability Insurance reviews or analysis.
  • Home purchases and sales guidance.Investments – timing, purposes, amount to invest, etc.
  • Business Ventures.Estate Planning.Consultation of partnerships, incorporation, associating formations.
  • Review and advice in practice insurance coverage.
  • Making sure all actions of the corporation and its officers are properly documented.
  • When necessary, develop employee training programs and assist in training your employees.
  • Review and advice on fringe benefit programs.
These Services are billed for separately.